11 Aralık 2023 13:00 / 15:00


11 December 2023 13:00 / 15:00
Tayyare Cultural Center  


Turkiye / Bursa

For Age  7+ Age  

Language Türkçe 

Duration 35 min.

Muslihiddin Efendi, a gentleman from Bursa, had a bridge with a bazaar built over the Gökdere River in Bursa Setbaşı, and he asked for help from Hacı İvaz (Hacivat) to rent the stores on it. Hacivat accepts the job. He takes Karagöz with him as the Butler and tells him his duty. Karagöz will take care of those who come and go and collect the rents. But Karagöz makes a mistake and gets his rent money stolen. He accuses everyone of being thieves, but the money was not stolen, it was lost and found. Karagöz made a fuss about stealing the money and blamed people. The truth is not like that. The truth is revealed and Karagöz is saved. The found money is distributed to the neighborhood as IRGANDI aid. Entertainment is held in the neighborhood. The play has a happy ending.

Written By - Tayfun Özeren

Directed By - Tayfun Özeren

Puppet Player - Tayfun Özeren

Stooge - Deniz Özeren