12 Aralık 2023 11:00 / 14:00

Podyum Sanat Mahal

12 December 2023 11:00 - 14:00

Podyum Sanat Mahal


Turkiye / Ankara

For Age 4-9

Language  Turkish

Duration 45 min.

The giant does not want to share his garden with anyone, kicks out the children who enter his garden and decides to build a wall to prevent them from entering. Winter passes, spring comes, trees turn green and flowers bloom everywhere, but spring never comes in the garden of the Selfish Giant. It is still winter there. Dev cannot make sense of this situation. But one day, while the children were playing, they noticed a hole in the corner of the wall and entered the garden through that hole, causing the garden to come to life. When the giant sees that his wall is broken, he first gets angry, but then he realizes that spring has come to his garden with the children. Finally, the Giant removes the wall he built, allows the children to play freely in the garden, and becomes friends with them.

This game, where the decoration and puppets are made of umbrellas, is played interactively with children.


Written By – Oscar Wilde


Adapted By – Haluk Yüce


Directed By – Haluk Yüce


Puppet Player – Marina Yüce, Şirin Ceylan Özen