13 Kasım 2023 14:00

Zeki Müren Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi

Workshop Leader: ALİ BİRCAN TEKE - Bursa State Theatre Actor 
For Age: Acting Students
Quota: 20
Duration: 4 Hours
Workshop includes the steps the actor should follow while preparing for the role,
the necessary preparation exercises, and studies on thinking style and technique.
Brief applications will be made on the conditions and situations in which these
studies may differ. It will be experienced how the preparation process for the role
affects the actor’s working principle, with its changes and partnerships from Stanislavski
to the present day.

On behalf of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, Bursa Culture Art and Tourism Foundation and with the ASSITEJ Turkey supports we have the pleasure to inform you that the 27th Bursa International Theater Festival for Children and Youth will take place on 11-16 November 2023 in Bursa, Turkey.