11 Kasım 2023 11:00 / 14:00

Tayyare Kültür Merkezi


Türkiye / Bursa

For Age: 6+ Age

Language: Turkish 

Duration: 53 min.

Armağan, bored with the monotony of his life, leaves home to go to the Parrot Is- land, which he saw in advertisements and dreamed of. Trying to settle in the house where Armağan lives, Yellow Crow plays all kinds of games. Grandma Gül and Grandpa Rüstem set out to look for Armağan, who left home. Armağan faces diffi- culties in those streets he is not used to. The path he takes becomes the destination he wants to  reach…

Written By - Özen RODOP

Directed By - Serdar SOYER

Assistant Director - Faruk OĞUR

Regie Assistant - Yeşeren Başak BEYAZ

Costume, Puppet Decoration Design - Özge AKARSU

Music - Agâh EROĞLU

Lighting Design - Ayşe Sedef AYTER

Performers - Murat LİMAN, Uğur SERENER, İpek ZEYLAN, Yüksel HAKVERDİ ŞEKER, Sergen BÖLÜK

Yeşeren Başak BEYAZ, Elif MÜMİN, Simge BİLEN, Gökay GÖKKAYA


ATTENTION !!! The game is played with the black puppet Black Light technique. It is not suitable for people with neurological disorders (epilepsy, etc.).

On behalf of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, Bursa Culture Art and Tourism Foundation and with the ASSITEJ Turkey supports we have the pleasure to inform you that the 27th Bursa International Theater Festival for Children and Youth will take place on 11-16 November 2023 in Bursa, Turkey.